Battle in universe Belinda!

The following fleets met in battle:
[build] Time_to_Raid vs. [M_L] Madbutcher

Attacker Time_to_Raid
Weapons: 190% Shields: 180% Armour: 200%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 55.356
Weapons 2.030
Shields 1.120
Armour 21.000


Defender Madbutcher
Weapons: 220% Shields: 220% Armour: 220%
Type Battleship Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Large Shield Dome
Total 7.363 21.178 3.853 96 66 49 1
Weapons 3.200 256 320 3.520 480 9.600 3
Shields 640 64 80 640 1.600 960 32.000
Armour 19.200 640 640 11.200 2.560 32.000 32.000

The attacking fleet fires 68.667 times with a total firepower of 139.394.010 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 5.791.838 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 32.606 times with a total firepower of 31.056.131 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 13.685.318 damage.

Attacker Time_to_Raid
Type Battlecruiser
Total 55.316 (-40)


Defender Madbutcher
Type Battleship Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Large Shield Dome
Total 6.709 (-654) 2.581 (-18.597) 466 (-3.387) 67 (-29) 22 (-44) 49 1

The attacking fleet fires 131.475 times with a total firepower of 266.894.250 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 4.643.674 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 9.895 times with a total firepower of 22.995.459 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 7.915.731 damage.

Attacker Time_to_Raid
Type Battlecruiser
Total 55.247 (-109)


Defender Madbutcher
Type Battleship Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Large Shield Dome
Total 10 (-7.353) 0 (-21.178) 0 (-3.853) 0 (-96) 0 (-66) 1 (-48) 1

The attacking fleet fires 194.746 times with a total firepower of 395.334.380 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 41.120 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 12 times with a total firepower of 41.603 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 12.323 damage.

Attacker Time_to_Raid
Type Battlecruiser
Total 55.247 (-109)


Defender Madbutcher destroyed
Type Battleship Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-7.363) 0 (-21.178) 0 (-3.853) 0 (-96) 0 (-66) 0 (-49) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.139.483 metal, 300.460 crystal and 119.408 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 9.265.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 502.392.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 234.223.500 metal and 80.363.500 crystal.

16.307 Rocket Launcher, 2.466 Light Laser, 73 Gauss Cannon, 40 Ion Cannon, 37 Plasma Turret, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
232.092.983 Metal -345.408.983
76.314.460 Crystal -112.539.960
-1.515.592 Deuterium -525.408
306.891.851 Total -458.474.351
62.208 Honorpoints 1.862
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
234.223.500 metal and 80.374.000 crystal harvested.
Main comment
Hallo Mad 🙂
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Maxime (30.06.2022 21:14):

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