Battle in universe Aries!

The following fleets met in battle:
[SKYWATCH] Goofy vs. [UFO] Vape

Attacker Goofy
Weapons: 180% Shields: 180% Armour: 170%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 10.076
Weapons 1.959
Shields 1.120
Armour 18.900


Defender Vape
Weapons: 140% Shields: 150% Armour: 140%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 909 1.066 1.353 789 159 273 19 7.726 137 3 12 410 57 103 15.023 5 3.011 8 100 59 1 1
Weapons 12 12 120 360 960 2.400 2 0 2.400 2 4.800 1.680 6.720 480 192 240 600 2.640 360 7.200 2 2
Shields 25 62 25 62 125 500 25 0 1.250 2 1.250 1.000 1.750 250 50 62 250 500 1.250 750 5.000 25.000
Armour 960 2.880 960 2.400 6.480 14.400 3.840 240 18.000 480 26.400 16.800 33.600 5.520 480 480 1.920 8.400 1.920 24.000 4.800 24.000


Attacker Goofy
Type Battlecruiser
Total 9.824 (-252)


Defender Vape destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-909) 0 (-1.066) 0 (-1.353) 0 (-789) 0 (-159) 0 (-273) 0 (-19) 0 (-7.726) 0 (-137) 0 (-3) 0 (-12) 0 (-410) 0 (-57) 0 (-103) 0 (-15.023) 0 (-5) 0 (-3.011) 0 (-8) 0 (-100) 0 (-59) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.288.010 metal, 2.387.765 crystal and 977.846 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 21.420.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 182.819.500 units.
At these space coordinates now float 46.032.700 metal and 42.673.400 crystal.

10.817 Rocket Launcher, 5 Light Laser, 2.228 Heavy Laser, 6 Gauss Cannon, 73 Ion Cannon, 38 Plasma Turret, 1 Small Shield Dome, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
39.760.710 Metal -73.743.010
34.996.915 Crystal -56.077.765
-2.802.154 Deuterium -12.318.346
71.955.471 Total -142.139.121
-17.689 Honorpoints 3.960
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 46.032.700 metal and 42.689.150 crystal!
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Main comment
+10,1kk TF Deut

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