The following fleets met in battle:
[404] Commander Volans
[Ocean] Obelix
The attacker won the battle! He captured 20.605.998 metal, 20.605.999 crystal and 6.373.880 deuterium.
The attacker lost a total of 14.532.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 215.175.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 97.348.000 metal, 73.628.000 crystal and 12.789.600 deuterium.
Attacker | Defender | |
112.041.998 | Metal | -136.378.998 |
88.407.999 | Crystal | -106.806.999 |
16.377.480 | Deuterium | -19.574.880 |
216.827.477 | Total | -262.760.877 |
-21.764 | Honorpoints | 2.793 |