
Battle in universe Libra!

The following fleets met in battle:
[KNECHTE] KN0CH3N7R0CK3N vs. [BroHo] U mode

Attacker KN0CH3N7R0CK3N
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 11.107 5.872


Defender U mode
Type Large Cargo Cruiser Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Deathstar Battlecruiser
Total 1.282 13.069 1 1.001 22 1 1.942


Attacker KN0CH3N7R0CK3N
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 10.802 (-305) 5.848 (-24)


Defender U mode destroyed
Type Large Cargo Cruiser Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Deathstar Battlecruiser
Total 0 (-1.282) 0 (-13.069) 0 (-1) 0 (-1.001) 0 (-22) 0 (-1) 0 (-1.942)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 9.684.693 metal, 2.993.349 crystal and 7.910.958 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 20.340.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 587.535.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 249.757.900 metal and 134.706.600 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
263.007.593 Metal -370.046.693
132.164.949 Crystal -189.896.349
7.550.958 Deuterium -66.190.958
402.723.500 Total -626.134.000
73.996 Honorpoints 3.780
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 249.757.900 metal and 134.706.600 crystal!
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Main comment
Immerhin einen Teil seiner Flotte down.
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cleanhunter (07.11.2016 22:13):

pask (07.11.2016 17:38):
Mega Fett gz!

bababu (07.11.2016 09:29):
Freut mich 🙂

klimaxx (07.11.2016 08:01):
genau den richtigen geknechtet mit seiner großen klappe!.

dubidu (07.11.2016 07:53):
Das gefällt mir ja ganz gut! Immer drauf auf den Schwafler!


Mainman (07.11.2016 01:01):
Netter Win, gratuliere!

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