The following fleets met in battle:
The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.351.500 metal, 1.351.500 crystal and 1.351.500 deuterium.
The attacker lost a total of 4.910.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 43.600.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 16.940.000 metal and 15.918.000 crystal.
Attacker | Defender | |
24.054.106 | Metal | -31.314.106 |
17.555.557 | Crystal | -24.377.557 |
46.395.031 | Deuterium | -47.965.031 |
88.004.694 | Total | -103.656.694 |
1.995 | Honorpoints | 1.051 |