Stiftung Flottentest

Battle in universe Kallisto!

The following fleets met in battle:
[D I S] Freakiii, [D I S] ZoRa, [DNB] Holger, [D I S] Dime vs. Alsa

Attacker Freakiii
Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 160%
Type Cruiser Battlecruiser
Total 9.220 1.707
Weapons 1.000 1.750
Shields 125 1.000
Armour 7.020 18.200
Attacker Freakiii
Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 160%
Type Light Fighter
Total 39.986
Weapons 125
Shields 25
Armour 1.040
Attacker ZoRa
Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 150%
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Weapons 0
Shields 0
Armour 250
Attacker Holger
Weapons: 150% Shields: 150% Armour: 150%
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Weapons 0
Shields 0
Armour 250
Attacker Dime
Weapons: 130% Shields: 130% Armour: 150%
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Weapons 0
Shields 0
Armour 250


Defender Alsa
Weapons: 130% Shields: 120% Armour: 140%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser
Total 2.969 361 2.021 1.529 1 100 111 49 41 121
Weapons 12 12 115 920 2.300 2 0 2.300 4.600 1.610
Shields 22 55 22 110 440 22 0 1.100 1.100 880
Armour 960 2.880 960 6.480 14.400 3.840 240 18.000 26.400 16.800

The attacking fleet fires 55.850 times with a total firepower of 22.821.750 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 500.032 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 10.187 times with a total firepower of 4.834.401 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 443.533 damage.

Attacker Freakiii
Type Cruiser Battlecruiser
Total 9.214 (-6) 1.707
Attacker Freakiii
Type Light Fighter
Total 36.929 (-3.057)
Attacker ZoRa
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Attacker Holger
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Attacker Dime
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1


Defender Alsa
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser
Total 88 (-2.881) 39 (-322) 61 (-1.960) 561 (-968) 1 15 (-85) 2 (-109) 49 41 113 (-8)

The attacking fleet fires 50.315 times with a total firepower of 20.631.875 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 267.959 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 1.965 times with a total firepower of 1.941.933 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 131.416 damage.

Attacker Freakiii
Type Cruiser Battlecruiser
Total 9.205 (-15) 1.707
Attacker Freakiii
Type Light Fighter
Total 35.769 (-4.217)
Attacker ZoRa
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Attacker Holger
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Attacker Dime
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1


Defender Alsa destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser
Total 0 (-2.969) 0 (-361) 0 (-2.021) 0 (-1.529) 0 (-1) 0 (-100) 0 (-111) 0 (-49) 0 (-41) 0 (-121)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 6.228.193 metal, 1.007.224 crystal and 1.608.531 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 17.303.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 90.424.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 47.098.100 metal and 23.793.700 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
38.756.437 Metal -58.941.337
14.946.442 Crystal -25.143.742
2.784.929 Deuterium -9.237.929
56.487.808 Total -93.323.008
-11.837 Honorpoints 3.268
Main comment
Testurteil: sehr gut
Außer das der kleine Alsa meinte: Hey ich knabber am TF weil ich kein Skill hab lief es soweit gut
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blackyffm (23.11.2016 20:06):
Was noch nicht?

END (22.11.2016 19:02):
@ freakii bitte noch nicht ^^
gruesschen und gz XD

Holger (22.11.2016 15:01):
Tapfere kleine Spios 🙂

Gratz Jung!
Etwas komisch mit den ganze Dissern hier 😃

wobbi87 (22.11.2016 14:24):
Der kleine Benjamin <3. Er spricht von Flotten Tests und fliegt selber zu mir um seinen Verbrauch zu testen <3

blackyffm (22.11.2016 14:18):
Ach Burny, du gehst mir ziemlich auf den Sack 🙂

Burny (22.11.2016 13:42):
Da kenne ich noch so einige, die keinen Skill haben und am TF knabbern, oder Freaki? 😉

Teste doch mal deine Fleet gegen meine 🙂

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