Kleines gemeinsames Intermezzo 🙂

Battle in universe OGame.de Kallisto!

The following fleets met in battle:
[D I S] Davis, [DNB] Neopht vs. [ATs] Root

Attacker Davis
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 150%
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Destroyer
Total 500 4.200 609 154
Weapons 11 110 880 4.400
Shields 55 22 110 1.100
Armour 3.000 1.000 6.750 27.500
Attacker Neopht
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 13.000 1.000 900 500
Weapons 120 960 2.400 1.680
Shields 24 120 480 960
Armour 960 6.480 14.400 16.800


Defender Root
Weapons: 120% Shields: 90% Armour: 100%
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Small Shield Dome
Total 972 1.395 186 215 284 76 84 83 216 594 579 1
Weapons 11 110 330 880 2.200 2 2.200 4.400 1.540 176 220 2
Shields 48 19 48 95 380 19 950 950 760 38 48 3.800
Armour 2.400 800 2.000 5.400 12.000 3.200 15.000 22.000 14.000 400 400 4.000

The attacking fleet fires 21.943 times with a total firepower of 8.414.780 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 505.317 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 5.179 times with a total firepower of 2.604.140 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 215.106 damage.

Attacker Davis
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Destroyer
Total 481 (-19) 3.955 (-245) 605 (-4) 154
Attacker Neopht
Type Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 12.141 (-859) 990 (-10) 900 500


Defender Root
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Small Shield Dome
Total 455 (-517) 283 (-1.112) 84 (-102) 174 (-41) 265 (-19) 27 (-49) 84 83 207 (-9) 54 (-540) 67 (-512) 1

The attacking fleet fires 20.429 times with a total firepower of 8.057.901 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 480.739 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 2.137 times with a total firepower of 2.019.755 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 121.587 damage.

Attacker Davis
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Destroyer
Total 467 (-33) 3.752 (-448) 597 (-12) 154
Attacker Neopht
Type Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 11.452 (-1.548) 982 (-18) 900 500


Defender Root
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Small Shield Dome
Total 8 (-964) 0 (-1.395) 1 (-185) 24 (-191) 121 (-163) 2 (-74) 64 (-20) 72 (-11) 135 (-81) 0 (-594) 0 (-579) 1

The attacking fleet fires 19.047 times with a total firepower of 7.416.737 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 294.842 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 488 times with a total firepower of 1.017.264 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 40.584 damage.

Attacker Davis
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Destroyer
Total 462 (-38) 3.677 (-523) 595 (-14) 154
Attacker Neopht
Type Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 11.140 (-1.860) 979 (-21) 900 500


Defender Root
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Small Shield Dome
Total 0 (-972) 0 (-1.395) 0 (-186) 0 (-215) 0 (-284) 0 (-76) 1 (-83) 1 (-82) 0 (-216) 0 (-594) 0 (-579) 0 (-1)

The attacking fleet fires 18.407 times with a total firepower of 6.887.392 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 2.196 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 2 times with a total firepower of 6.600 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 146 damage.

Attacker Davis
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Destroyer
Total 462 (-38) 3.677 (-523) 595 (-14) 154
Attacker Neopht
Type Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 11.139 (-1.861) 978 (-22) 900 500


Defender Root destroyed
Type Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Small Shield Dome
Total 0 (-972) 0 (-1.395) 0 (-186) 0 (-215) 0 (-284) 0 (-76) 0 (-84) 0 (-83) 0 (-216) 0 (-594) 0 (-579) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 3.254.042 metal, 1.653.683 crystal and 1.086.795 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 11.036.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 82.408.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 36.913.100 metal and 22.362.200 crystal.

463 Rocket Launcher, 359 Light Laser, 1 Small Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
34.417.373 Metal -51.563.073
22.320.246 Crystal -32.172.446
1.829.892 Deuterium -8.228.892
58.567.511 Total -91.964.411
-11.359 Honorpoints 2.123
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 37.123.800 metal and 22.553.300 crystal!
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Gut Ding will Weile haben.
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Neopht (22.11.2016 21:42):
Danke Willi!

Holger (22.11.2016 17:36):
Schön gemacht ihr zwei, gratz!

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