The following fleets met in battle:
[NORU] BlackHoleHunter
[No-DM] Urtron
The attacker won the battle! He captured 484.000 metal, 484.000 crystal and 484.000 deuterium.
The attacker lost a total of 8.755.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 58.850.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 28.668.000 metal and 22.222.400 crystal.
Attacker | Defender | |
40.255.258 | Metal | -47.422.258 |
22.837.922 | Crystal | -28.393.522 |
1.509.050 | Deuterium | -5.501.050 |
64.602.230 | Total | -81.316.830 |
-4.939 | Honorpoints | 1.770 |