zerri zerri

Battle in universe OGame.de Ursa!

On 01.02.2017 04:32 the following fleets met in battle:
[DOM] buexinator vs. [Code.X] BlixX

Attacker buexinator
Weapons: 180% Shields: 180% Armour: 180%
Type Destroyer
Total 37.373
Weapons 5.600
Shields 1.400
Armour 30.800


Defender BlixX
Weapons: 190% Shields: 190% Armour: 190%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 8.183 5.037 2.009 1.093 274 72 1 151 12.423 30 700 55 1 55 25.000 12.000 6.000 700 200 700 1 1
Weapons 15 15 145 435 1.160 2.900 145 3 0 2.900 3 5.800 580.000 2.030 232 290 725 3.190 435 8.700 3 3
Shields 29 73 29 73 145 580 290 29 0 1.450 3 1.450 145.000 1.160 58 73 290 580 1.450 870 5.800 29.000
Armour 1.160 3.480 1.160 2.900 7.830 17.400 8.700 4.640 290 21.750 580 31.900 2.610.000 20.300 580 580 2.320 10.150 2.320 29.000 5.800 29.000


Attacker buexinator
Type Destroyer
Total 37.297 (-76)


Defender BlixX destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-8.183) 0 (-5.037) 0 (-2.009) 0 (-1.093) 0 (-274) 0 (-72) 0 (-1) 0 (-151) 0 (-12.423) 0 (-30) 0 (-700) 0 (-55) 0 (-1) 0 (-55) 0 (-25.000) 0 (-12.000) 0 (-6.000) 0 (-700) 0 (-200) 0 (-700) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 22.872.452 metal, 9.860.933 crystal and 5.461.802 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 9.500.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 406.209.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 25.626.900 metal and 25.264.800 crystal.

19.500 Rocket Launcher, 10.320 Light Laser, 5.460 Heavy Laser, 574 Gauss Cannon, 162 Ion Cannon, 616 Plasma Turret, 1 Small Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
43.939.352 Metal -127.341.452
31.325.733 Crystal -98.564.933
4.321.802 Deuterium -12.543.802
79.586.887 Total -238.450.187
-14.436 Honorpoints 1.905
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
25.626.900 metal and 25.264.800 crystal harvested.
Main comment
er "saved" diese Fleet den Tag über insgesamt 10,12 mal mit 30,20,10% aufs TF. Ich habe ihn auch schon mal gefragt, was er denkt davon zu haben. -Keine Antwort.
Heute dann mal spritsparend Zeit gefunden und ganz langsam die Zerren rausgeschickt. Nimmt man mit.
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Doc (01.02.2017 12:37):

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