*New Biggest* *Ally AKS jammi jammi*

Battle in universe OGame.de Zibal!

The following fleets met in battle:
[AngrY] Rokenbock, [AngrY] Realpinky vs. [ImRe] TERRORMACHINE

Attacker Rokenbock
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Weapons 4.800
Shields 1.200
Armour 26.400
Attacker Realpinky
Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Weapons 2.500 5.000
Shields 1.200 1.200
Armour 18.000 26.400
Attacker Rokenbock
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Weapons 1.680
Shields 960
Armour 16.800
Attacker Realpinky
Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.407
Weapons 1.750
Shields 960
Armour 16.800
Attacker Rokenbock
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Battleship
Total 1.000
Weapons 2.400
Shields 480
Armour 14.400
Attacker Realpinky
Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Battleship
Total 2.313
Weapons 2.500
Shields 480
Armour 14.400
Attacker Realpinky
Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Cruiser
Total 10.542
Weapons 1.000
Shields 120
Armour 6.480
Attacker Rokenbock
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Cruiser
Total 10.000
Weapons 960
Shields 120
Armour 6.480
Attacker Rokenbock
Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 20.000 40.000
Weapons 12 120
Shields 24 24
Armour 960 960
Attacker Realpinky
Weapons: 150% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 4.673 48.673 4.128
Weapons 13 125 375
Shields 24 24 60
Armour 960 960 2.400


Weapons: 140% Shields: 140% Armour: 140%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 17.194 21 58.524 10.305 2.434 7 10.700 53 3.992
Weapons 12 12 120 960 2.400 120 2 0 1.680
Shields 24 60 24 120 480 240 24 0 960
Armour 960 2.880 960 6.480 14.400 7.200 3.840 240 16.800

The attacking fleet fires 170.664 times with a total firepower of 88.302.239 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 5.158.097 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 114.603 times with a total firepower of 41.592.820 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 4.855.854 damage.

Attacker Rokenbock
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Attacker Realpinky
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.407
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battleship
Total 1.000
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battleship
Total 2.312 (-1)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Cruiser
Total 10.450 (-92)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Cruiser
Total 9.917 (-83)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 16.577 (-3.423) 33.171 (-6.829)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 3.862 (-811) 40.337 (-8.336) 3.729 (-399)


Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 9.964 (-7.230) 12 (-9) 33.623 (-24.901) 9.436 (-869) 2.371 (-63) 7 8.980 (-1.720) 18 (-35) 3.969 (-23)

The attacking fleet fires 146.640 times with a total firepower of 82.581.356 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 5.090.475 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 78.101 times with a total firepower of 35.991.512 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 4.145.383 damage.

Attacker Rokenbock
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Attacker Realpinky
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.407
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battleship
Total 999 (-1)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battleship
Total 2.311 (-2)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Cruiser
Total 10.255 (-287)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Cruiser
Total 9.746 (-254)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 13.452 (-6.548) 27.206 (-12.794)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 3.171 (-1.502) 33.006 (-15.667) 3.262 (-866)


Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 4.028 (-13.166) 7 (-14) 13.541 (-44.983) 7.346 (-2.959) 2.238 (-196) 6 (-1) 5.632 (-5.068) 5 (-48) 3.874 (-118)

The attacking fleet fires 123.670 times with a total firepower of 76.142.775 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 5.214.038 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 44.220 times with a total firepower of 28.939.724 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 3.294.984 damage.

Attacker Rokenbock
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Attacker Realpinky
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.406 (-1)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battleship
Total 998 (-2)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battleship
Total 2.310 (-3)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Cruiser
Total 10.008 (-534)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Cruiser
Total 9.536 (-464)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 11.103 (-8.897) 22.442 (-17.558)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 2.652 (-2.021) 27.309 (-21.364) 2.898 (-1.230)


Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 698 (-16.496) 3 (-18) 2.390 (-56.134) 3.658 (-6.647) 1.865 (-569) 2 (-5) 1.846 (-8.854) 0 (-53) 3.507 (-485)

The attacking fleet fires 104.496 times with a total firepower of 70.840.095 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 4.726.456 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 18.153 times with a total firepower of 19.245.704 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 1.963.910 damage.

Attacker Rokenbock
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Attacker Realpinky
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.406 (-1)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battleship
Total 998 (-2)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battleship
Total 2.309 (-4)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Cruiser
Total 9.757 (-785)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Cruiser
Total 9.314 (-686)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 9.724 (-10.276) 19.542 (-20.458)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 2.304 (-2.369) 23.804 (-24.869) 2.660 (-1.468)


Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 11 (-17.183) 0 (-21) 25 (-58.499) 339 (-9.966) 655 (-1.779) 0 (-7) 70 (-10.630) 0 (-53) 1.811 (-2.181)

The attacking fleet fires 92.853 times with a total firepower of 70.199.506 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 2.099.095 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 3.868 times with a total firepower of 6.396.872 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 617.023 damage.

Attacker Rokenbock
Type Destroyer
Total 100
Attacker Realpinky
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 904 3.066
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.500
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battlecruiser
Total 2.406 (-1)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Battleship
Total 998 (-2)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Battleship
Total 2.308 (-5)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Cruiser
Total 9.656 (-886)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Cruiser
Total 9.211 (-789)
Attacker Rokenbock
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter
Total 9.335 (-10.665) 18.729 (-21.271)
Attacker Realpinky
Type Small Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 2.212 (-2.461) 22.802 (-25.871) 2.567 (-1.561)


Defender TERRORMACHINE destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Battlecruiser
Total 0 (-17.194) 0 (-21) 0 (-58.524) 0 (-10.305) 0 (-2.434) 0 (-7) 0 (-10.700) 0 (-53) 0 (-3.992)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.397.404 metal, 4.319.330 crystal and 5.169.171 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 305.762.000 units.
The defender lost a total of units.
At these space coordinates now float 481.717.500 metal and 258.632.000 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
286.720.455 Metal -773.437.955
186.175.267 Crystal -447.796.767
6.575.786 Deuterium -113.900.786
479.471.508 Total -1.335.135.508
-127.964 Honorpoints 36.576
Follow ups
Win: 5.155.952 metal, 6.366.665 crystal and 2.584.585 deuterium!
Win: 2.577.976 metal, 3.183.332 crystal and 1.292.293 deuterium!
Win: 1.288.988 metal, 1.591.666 crystal and 646.146 deuterium!
Win: 246.072 metal, 354.210 crystal and 49.718 deuterium!
Win: 225.563 metal, 225.564 crystal and 198.873 deuterium!
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 486.717.500 metal and 261.642.500 crystal!
show all
Main comment
Na eigentlich gibt's nicht viel zu sagen, nach 3 Uhr kam kein Timer HP, simmen ging los, Fleet wurde gestartet und dann hies es warten, underdessen parallel noch andere Monde von ihm angeflogen, diese gingen durch, dann war klar er muss wohl verpennt haben, gefühlte Stunden danach kam dann der Einschlag.

Neuer Biggest ist da..

Meiner Meinung hat es den falschen erwischt, aber wer hald nicht savt...

Kam dann irgendwann im laufe des Morgens online und hat fair gegratzt und lies rest des TF von den anderen 4 Monden liegen.
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swt072 (14.05.2018 14:46):
Oh Mann Terror. Ich habe kaum einen Spieler kennengelernt, der so viel Talent in diesem Spiel besitzt und gleichzeitig so eine leichtsinnige Schlampe ist. Ich hoffe du nutzt die neugewonnene Zeit sinnvoll und genießt die mit deiner Familie. Mach es gut und bis bald 😉

Achja und gz zum Att, gegen den gibt es nichts einzuwenden. Nach dem aber das wahre Gesicht gezeigt wurde, schade das die Atts nicht umgekehrt stattgefunden haben, dann wäre das TF wohl im Umod verschwunden.

Mondfee (13.05.2018 13:22):
sGn musst nich fragen, die größten noobs beschimpfen die besten fleeter ^^
graz zum Att und mega schade für Dich Terror
hf im rl und lass es Dir richtig gut gehen 🙂

BlackSnoop23 (12.05.2018 18:01):
Daniel bekommst nie genug oder??

This post has been edited on 12.05.2018 18:01 by BlackSnoop23

sGn (12.05.2018 17:59):
cortez, wer bist du ingame?
oder bleibst du doch lieber anonym in deinem rattenloch?

THC_KeckDeviL (12.05.2018 15:44):
gratz zum neuen biggest, das ist ja schon ein extremer win ^^ und wenn man noch die anderen monde dazu nimmt, dann ist das ein top250 account oder so, den ihr da an win erfarmt habt 😄

trifft aber nach dem wie ich ihn hier bei ogmem gelesen habe den falschen ^^ scheinbar immer freundlich und fair, aber its a game und wer steht geht und genau so sieht er das ja scheinbar auch ^^

also gz an die atter, alles gute im rl an den verlierer dieses schönen kbs 😉

Sokrates (12.05.2018 15:38):
Glw , und schade Terror

Und nun krallt euch bitte Die Ratte swt072

Dawn (12.05.2018 15:14):
dickes gz !
schade um Terror, aber ist/wird ja eh Sommer, bro ! wünsch dir ne gute zeit !

snoogrim (12.05.2018 13:27):
gratz euch beiden schade terror alles gute im rl

HausOne (12.05.2018 13:06):
Farmett 🙂 OK Supergratz

TERRORMASCHINE (12.05.2018 13:04):
gratz brothers ((:
scheiss alkohol hehehe..
hatte selber att am laufen der sogar durch ging hehee..
egal ,jetzt hab ich endlich meine ruhe von dem scheiss ...
Nochmal gratz zu biggets und baut euch was schönes..
An ganze uni,viel spass und erfolg euch allemund alles gute in rl <3

AlKi (12.05.2018 12:57):
neeeeeeeein terror 😞

gz roke

Bad old Bill (12.05.2018 12:37):
Armer Terror! Mein Beileid!
GZ zum Biggest...

sGn (12.05.2018 12:36):
Schade um Terror!

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