Battle in universe 79!

The following fleets met in battle:
Jakkuzzi vs. eggar

Attacker Jakkuzzi
Type Small Cargo Heavy Fighter Cruiser
Total 250 250 100


Defender eggar
Type Rocket Launcher
Total 27

The attacking fleet fires 1.366 times with a total firepower of 1.001.390 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.350 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 27 times with a total firepower of 5.832 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 1.508 damage.

Attacker Jakkuzzi
Type Small Cargo Heavy Fighter Cruiser
Total 250 250 100


Defender eggar destroyed
Type Rocket Launcher
Total 0 (-27)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 254.760 metal, 682.993 crystal and 194.034 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
The defender lost a total of 54.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 0 metal and 0 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
254.760 Metal -308.760
682.993 Crystal -682.993
194.034 Deuterium -194.034
1.131.787 Total -1.185.787

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