Battle in universe OGame.de Libra!

The following fleets met in battle:
[FFF] redday vs. [MBC] STR0MEX

Attacker redday
Weapons: 180% Shields: 180% Armour: 190%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 22.222
Weapons 1.960
Shields 1.120
Armour 20.300
Attacker redday
Weapons: 180% Shields: 180% Armour: 190%
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Weapons 0
Shields 0
Armour 290


Defender STR0MEX
Weapons: 160% Shields: 150% Armour: 160%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 1.936 70.247 398 118 1 6 1.221 1.094 1 3 1 9.999 9.999 99 108 1 1
Weapons 13 13 130 390 2.600 130 3 0 2.600 520.000 1.820 208 260 2.860 7.800 3 3
Shields 25 63 25 63 500 250 25 0 1.250 125.000 1.000 50 63 500 750 5.000 25.000
Armour 1.040 3.120 1.040 2.600 15.600 7.800 4.160 260 19.500 2.340.000 18.200 520 520 9.100 26.000 5.200 26.000

The attacking fleet fires 45.671 times with a total firepower of 89.467.530 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 2.213.156 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 95.250 times with a total firepower of 16.731.470 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 5.909.376 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 22.160 (-62)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 1.191 (-745) 51.655 (-18.592) 237 (-161) 77 (-41) 1 6 959 (-262) 649 (-445) 1 3 1 6.221 (-3.778) 6.225 (-3.774) 96 (-3) 108 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 47.516 times with a total firepower of 93.083.844 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 2.102.006 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 67.479 times with a total firepower of 30.786.988 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 3.904.202 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 22.041 (-181)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 601 (-1.335) 31.421 (-38.826) 131 (-267) 44 (-74) 1 5 (-1) 654 (-567) 321 (-773) 1 3 1 3.030 (-6.969) 3.102 (-6.897) 80 (-19) 108 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 48.590 times with a total firepower of 95.187.810 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.773.820 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 39.543 times with a total firepower of 24.287.418 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 2.127.139 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 21.931 (-291)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 184 (-1.752) 12.105 (-58.142) 35 (-363) 19 (-99) 0 (-1) 3 (-3) 275 (-946) 90 (-1.004) 1 3 1 924 (-9.075) 906 (-9.093) 51 (-48) 107 (-1) 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 49.952 times with a total firepower of 97.855.968 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 987.906 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 14.747 times with a total firepower of 24.465.293 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 821.300 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 21.825 (-397)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 6 (-1.930) 689 (-69.558) 2 (-396) 1 (-117) 0 (-1) 0 (-6) 15 (-1.206) 9 (-1.085) 0 (-1) 3 0 (-1) 35 (-9.964) 33 (-9.966) 12 (-87) 66 (-42) 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 47.726 times with a total firepower of 93.495.234 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 438.013 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 892 times with a total firepower of 12.014.699 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 137.531 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 21.775 (-447)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-1.936) 0 (-70.247) 0 (-398) 0 (-118) 0 (-1) 0 (-6) 0 (-1.221) 0 (-1.094) 0 (-1) 3 0 (-1) 0 (-9.999) 0 (-9.999) 0 (-99) 0 (-108) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacking fleet fires 21.775 times with a total firepower of 42.657.225 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 585.573 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 88 times with a total firepower of 45.760.000 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 98.560 damage.

Attacker redday
Type Battlecruiser
Total 21.687 (-535)
Attacker redday destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender STR0MEX destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Deathstar Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-1.936) 0 (-70.247) 0 (-398) 0 (-118) 0 (-1) 0 (-6) 0 (-1.221) 0 (-1.094) 0 (-1) 0 (-3) 0 (-1) 0 (-9.999) 0 (-9.999) 0 (-99) 0 (-108) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 9.759.150 metal, 9.759.150 crystal and 9.759.150 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 45.476.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 964.846.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 329.490.700 metal and 327.771.500 crystal.

8.299 Rocket Launcher, 8.499 Light Laser, 76 Gauss Cannon, 100 Plasma Turret, 1 Small Shield Dome, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
851.187.048 Metal -
367.587.689 Crystal -512.829.089
94.209.563 Deuterium -108.435.563
1.312.984.300 Total -1.626.368.900
-8.312 Honorpoints 8.072
Follow ups
Win: 593.293.598 metal, 116.673.439 crystal and 92.475.413 deuterium!
Harvest reports
264.184.300 metal and 262.556.100 crystal harvested.
Main comment
Mit Timer gesehen, gescannt geflogen. HP war akti, dann Timer.

Att ging durch 1NW auch, 3 Minuten vor der zweiten NW kam er on, hat die Ressourcen weggeschafft.

Etwas geknabbert, aber ein netter Verlierer. Lies ein GZ da.

Danke fürs Fair sein und nicht durchboostern des TF.
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DerWitz (16.10.2019 14:33):

raven06 (15.10.2019 23:34):

TheUnkown (15.10.2019 22:09):

Schurli (15.10.2019 22:04):
GZ, hat doch gelohnt

Br4in_u77 (15.10.2019 21:52):
Trotzdem sehr nice ^^ 😛

scorer (15.10.2019 21:33):


Vini (15.10.2019 21:32):
Naja, kleines GZ 😄

Baust schnell wieder auf 😉

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