Paw Paw ^^

Battle in universe Octans!

The following fleets met in battle:
[KELLER] M0NST3R vs. WilliDerWuestenfuchs

Attacker M0NST3R
Type Light Fighter Battleship Battlecruiser Reaper
Total 1 113.236 97.779 5.691
Attacker M0NST3R
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Pathfinder Small Cargo
Total 1.305.504 1.007.766 126.279 28.124 519.663


Defender WilliDerWuestenfuchs
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 300.000 45.758 612.988 100.000 94.969 106.926 1 110.001 8.043 46 159 31.371 2.382 15.226


Attacker M0NST3R
Type Light Fighter Battleship Battlecruiser Reaper
Total 0 (-1) 112.974 (-262) 97.657 (-122) 5.691
Attacker M0NST3R
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Pathfinder Small Cargo
Total 912.107 (-393.397) 803.814 (-203.952) 118.649 (-7.630) 26.310 (-1.814) 363.328 (-156.335)


Defender WilliDerWuestenfuchs destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 0 (-300.000) 0 (-45.758) 0 (-612.988) 0 (-100.000) 0 (-94.969) 0 (-106.926) 0 (-1) 0 (-110.001) 0 (-8.043) 0 (-46) 0 (-159) 0 (-31.371) 0 (-2.382) 0 (-15.226)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 15.295.377 metal, 11.043.538 crystal and 23.037.711 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 4.542.046.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 19.902.486.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 10.645.443.495 metal and 5.606.888.406 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
7.717.390.477 Metal -12.417.125.377
3.931.569.238 Crystal -6.458.661.538
-8.564.289 Deuterium -
11.640.395.426 Total -19.951.862.626
1.540.724 Honorpoints 430.158
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 10.601.233.100 metal and 5.531.831.700 crystal!
show all
Main comment
Deine Recycler-Berichte sehen so aus, als ob du 44.210.395 Metall und 75.056.706 Kristall des Trümmerfeldes nicht bekommen hättest. Booster Booster

Nachdem Loki hatte ich bock
Also direkt RK raus Mond druff und Booster Booster Sprungtor

Plötzlich wieder akti. also nochmal Lied gewechselt
Timer blieb einfach druff.
War direkt nach Hit da und hat angefangen zu Boostern.
Nach Hit scannt mich gefühlt das Ganze uni... ^^

Suche DEUT !!!

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Mondmacher_Octans (29.05.2020 08:48):
Wow da muss man Mal GZ sagen

X1D0 (28.05.2020 23:37):

JohnPretender (28.05.2020 22:49):
Mega..... und sehr schöne Flotte 🙂

Kashi (28.05.2020 22:42):
gz on hitting moi coming out of vmode

FuzeTea (28.05.2020 22:42):

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