Kaputt 🙂

Battle in universe OGame.de Volans!

The following fleets met in battle:
[AlK] Naofumi, [AlK] Kirito vs. [nLMTs] mYdeN1337

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 3.891 916 864 544 175 330 285 134 803 2.761 1.832
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.899 182 349 284 264 109 545
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 664 1.238 2.000 2.000


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 2.804 2.977 3.610 2.180 1.060 260 1 473 3.256 252 51 157 117 937

The attacking fleet fires 27.993 times with a total firepower of 15.075.567 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 781.100 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 19.204 times with a total firepower of 5.289.331 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 816.357 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 3.397 (-494) 866 (-50) 857 (-7) 542 (-2) 175 330 285 134 797 (-6) 2.393 (-368) 1.766 (-66)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.864 (-35) 182 348 (-1) 284 264 109 537 (-8)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 582 (-82) 1.150 (-88) 1.647 (-353) 1.904 (-96)


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.677 (-1.127) 2.418 (-559) 2.189 (-1.421) 1.640 (-540) 965 (-95) 255 (-5) 0 (-1) 406 (-67) 1.387 (-1.869) 251 (-1) 51 152 (-5) 117 840 (-97)

The attacking fleet fires 24.347 times with a total firepower of 14.120.100 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 790.924 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 13.268 times with a total firepower of 4.818.317 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 733.254 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 2.884 (-1.007) 813 (-103) 840 (-24) 542 (-2) 175 330 285 134 783 (-20) 2.060 (-701) 1.667 (-165)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.823 (-76) 182 348 (-1) 284 264 109 516 (-29)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 491 (-173) 1.056 (-182) 1.370 (-630) 1.791 (-209)


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 764 (-2.040) 1.551 (-1.426) 966 (-2.644) 954 (-1.226) 778 (-282) 244 (-16) 0 (-1) 288 (-185) 428 (-2.828) 251 (-1) 51 148 (-9) 117 690 (-247)

The attacking fleet fires 21.249 times with a total firepower of 13.249.764 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 807.227 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 7.942 times with a total firepower of 4.091.111 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 564.715 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 2.470 (-1.421) 743 (-173) 818 (-46) 541 (-3) 174 (-1) 330 284 (-1) 134 770 (-33) 1.783 (-978) 1.575 (-257)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.776 (-123) 182 348 (-1) 284 264 109 501 (-44)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 428 (-236) 966 (-272) 1.138 (-862) 1.668 (-332)


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 191 (-2.613) 657 (-2.320) 240 (-3.370) 358 (-1.822) 463 (-597) 210 (-50) 0 (-1) 140 (-333) 58 (-3.198) 239 (-13) 49 (-2) 137 (-20) 117 395 (-542)

The attacking fleet fires 18.591 times with a total firepower of 12.342.794 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 777.584 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 3.657 times with a total firepower of 3.140.595 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 364.425 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 2.235 (-1.656) 704 (-212) 805 (-59) 535 (-9) 174 (-1) 330 284 (-1) 134 756 (-47) 1.594 (-1.167) 1.489 (-343)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.720 (-179) 182 348 (-1) 283 (-1) 264 109 483 (-62)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 380 (-284) 892 (-346) 1.020 (-980) 1.564 (-436)


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 10 (-2.794) 67 (-2.910) 12 (-3.598) 26 (-2.154) 120 (-940) 117 (-143) 0 (-1) 11 (-462) 0 (-3.256) 180 (-72) 46 (-5) 101 (-56) 112 (-5) 87 (-850)

The attacking fleet fires 16.883 times with a total firepower of 11.960.273 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 552.366 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 1.066 times with a total firepower of 2.031.387 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 174.426 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 2.120 (-1.771) 673 (-243) 797 (-67) 532 (-12) 174 (-1) 330 284 (-1) 134 747 (-56) 1.507 (-1.254) 1.434 (-398)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.682 (-217) 180 (-2) 347 (-2) 283 (-1) 264 108 (-1) 475 (-70)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 362 (-302) 860 (-378) 966 (-1.034) 1.510 (-490)


Defender mYdeN1337
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 0 (-2.804) 0 (-2.977) 0 (-3.610) 0 (-2.180) 0 (-1.060) 2 (-258) 0 (-1) 0 (-473) 0 (-3.256) 9 (-243) 6 (-45) 0 (-157) 26 (-91) 0 (-937)

The attacking fleet fires 15.882 times with a total firepower of 11.250.961 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 56.580 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 44 times with a total firepower of 207.060 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 5.940 damage.

Attacker Naofumi
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 2.112 (-1.779) 670 (-246) 796 (-68) 531 (-13) 174 (-1) 330 284 (-1) 134 746 (-57) 1.504 (-1.257) 1.429 (-403)
Attacker Kirito
Type Cruiser Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber Destroyer Reaper Pathfinder
Total 1.680 (-219) 180 (-2) 347 (-2) 283 (-1) 264 108 (-1) 472 (-73)
Attacker Kirito
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Small Cargo Large Cargo
Total 360 (-304) 860 (-378) 964 (-1.036) 1.505 (-495)


Defender mYdeN1337 destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 0 (-2.804) 0 (-2.977) 0 (-3.610) 0 (-2.180) 0 (-1.060) 0 (-260) 0 (-1) 0 (-473) 0 (-3.256) 0 (-252) 0 (-51) 0 (-157) 0 (-117) 0 (-937)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 41.424.081 metal, 31.188.231 crystal and 5.190.372 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 48.403.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 231.497.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 88.348.869 metal and 63.290.534 crystal.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
102.065.950 Metal -164.255.081
75.494.015 Crystal -120.042.231
3.481.372 Deuterium -25.002.372
181.041.337 Total -309.299.684
-25.922 Honorpoints 5.113
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 88.348.869 metal and 63.292.784 crystal!
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Wir sahen, flogen und vernichteten

Naofumi / Kirito
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comagf (06.01.2021 22:10):
Warum nicht noch Recs mitgeschickt?

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