
Battle in universe OGame.de Vega!

The following fleets met in battle:
[T N T] AIic3 vs. [ODS] starfighter14

Attacker AIic3
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Deathstar
Total 1
Weapons 600.000
Shields 150.000
Armour 2.700.000
Attacker AIic3
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 5.600 282.500
Weapons 3.000 6.000
Shields 1.500 1.500
Armour 22.500 33.000
Attacker AIic3
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Reaper
Total 8.700
Weapons 8.400
Shields 2.100
Armour 42.000
Attacker AIic3
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Deathstar
Total 295
Weapons 600.000
Shields 150.000
Armour 2.700.000
Attacker AIic3
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Light Fighter Battleship
Total 2.750.000 185.000
Weapons 150 3.000
Shields 30 600
Armour 1.200 18.000


Defender starfighter14
Weapons: 210% Shields: 210% Armour: 210%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 107.103 25.645 45.220 721 377 731 2.120 2.246 12.005 550 2.769 18 1.467 240.000 175.500 70.000 13.233 240 3.450 1 1
Weapons 16 16 155 465 1.240 3.100 3 3.100 6.200 620.000 2.170 8.680 620 248 310 775 3.410 465 9.300 3 3
Shields 31 78 31 78 155 620 31 1.550 1.550 155.000 1.240 2.170 310 62 78 310 620 1.550 930 6.200 31.000
Armour 1.240 3.720 1.240 3.100 8.370 18.600 4.960 23.250 34.100 2.790.000 21.700 43.400 7.130 620 620 2.480 10.850 2.480 31.000 6.200 31.000

The attacking fleet fires 3.349.051 times with a total firepower of 16.631.061.000 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 91.310.397 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 727.370 times with a total firepower of 13.756.759.431 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 50.505.959 damage.

Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 1
Attacker AIic3
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 5.556 280.608
Attacker AIic3
Type Reaper
Total 8.639
Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 295
Attacker AIic3
Type Light Fighter Battleship
Total 2.651.390 183.471


Defender starfighter14
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 22.017 10.955 9.355 294 203 493 968 1.912 10.595 549 2.310 18 728 25.017 19.345 29.269 7.498 92 3.035 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 3.185.085 times with a total firepower of 6.896.231.100 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 59.131.134 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 168.590 times with a total firepower of 14.379.884.876 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 18.745.534 damage.

Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 1
Attacker AIic3
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 5.510 278.562
Attacker AIic3
Type Reaper
Total 8.575
Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 295
Attacker AIic3
Type Light Fighter Battleship
Total 2.590.097 181.842


Defender starfighter14
Type Large Cargo Cruiser Battleship Recycler Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Large Shield Dome
Total 1 6 26 2 178 1.802 549 157 2 10 4 237 361 1

The attacking fleet fires 3.079.293 times with a total firepower of 3.252.537.750 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 114.164.970 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 26.683 times with a total firepower of 14.815.783.834 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 5.887.264 damage.

Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 1
Attacker AIic3
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 5.465 276.450
Attacker AIic3
Type Reaper
Total 8.506
Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 295
Attacker AIic3
Type Light Fighter Battleship
Total 2.567.632 180.395


Defender starfighter14
Type Deathstar
Total 413

The attacking fleet fires 3.038.744 times with a total firepower of 2.850.475.200 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 87.629.200 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 16.339 times with a total firepower of at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 3.460.830 damage.

Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 1
Attacker AIic3
Type Bomber Destroyer
Total 5.437 274.999
Attacker AIic3
Type Reaper
Total 8.462
Attacker AIic3
Type Deathstar
Total 295
Attacker AIic3
Type Light Fighter Battleship
Total 2.553.841 179.418


Defender starfighter14 destroyed

The attacker won the battle! He captured 111.233.565 metal, 149.571.875 crystal and 84.198.461 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 2.109.931.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 10.834.843.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.811.482.987 metal and 2.810.484.114 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created is 20%

144.000 Rocket Launcher, 126.360 Light Laser, 49.700 Heavy Laser, 10.322 Gauss Cannon, 146 Ion Cannon, 2.174 Plasma Turret could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
2.689.844.565 Metal -4.869.644.565
2.350.801.975 Crystal -3.755.489.875
-35.521.539 Deuterium -950.690.461 Total -9.575.824.901
-859.947 Honorpoints 246.513
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 3.896.718.000 metal and 2.873.334.100 crystal!
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P_S_Nelke (10.01.2021 04:08):

Gravist (09.01.2021 22:16):

GeeGeeEazZy (09.01.2021 22:04):
Ich küsse deine Augen Bruder 😘

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