Stay Classy

Battle in universe Belinda!

The following fleets met in battle:
RonBurgundy, RAMA LAMA vs. [PHX] Floziii

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.645 918
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.000.000 2.000.000
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.500.000 5.000.000
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 270.415 405.395
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 10.000.000
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 200.793
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 20.700.000 1.000.000
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 7.554.466 87.627


Defender Floziii
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 4.514.493 762.238 12.033.953 3.023.795 1.403.982 1.013.524 2.964.609 1.919 113 775.531 10.744 600.865 547.533 65.600 45.211

The attacking fleet fires 58.862.080 times with a total firepower of 83.420.226.260 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 3.719.936.649 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 29.697.847 times with a total firepower of 298.075.499.797 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 3.471.383.999 damage.

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.631 (-14) 908 (-10)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 991.620 (-8.380) 1.983.338 (-16.662)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.465.499 (-34.501) 4.939.118 (-60.882)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 266.532 (-3.883) 400.259 (-5.136)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 9.622.503 (-377.497)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 193.059 (-7.734)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 17.924.901 (-2.775.099) 918.160 (-81.840)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 6.530.642 (-1.023.824) 80.297 (-7.330)


Defender Floziii
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 1.470.988 (-3.043.505) 348.163 (-414.075) 3.919.076 (-8.114.877) 1.298.171 (-1.725.624) 989.681 (-414.301) 908.446 (-105.078) 1.627.303 (-1.337.306) 339 (-1.580) 104 (-9) 758.005 (-17.526) 10.744 555.962 (-44.903) 544.236 (-3.297) 44.650 (-20.950) 12.751 (-32.460)

The attacking fleet fires 52.407.252 times with a total firepower of at the defender. The defending shields absorb 3.966.753.023 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 13.941.706 times with a total firepower of 279.715.466.324 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 2.430.883.537 damage.

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.617 (-28) 901 (-17)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 982.747 (-17.253) 1.966.617 (-33.383)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.424.877 (-75.123) 4.870.849 (-129.151)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 262.117 (-8.298) 394.520 (-10.875)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 9.213.263 (-786.737)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 184.738 (-16.055)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 15.815.909 (-4.884.091) 842.963 (-157.037)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 5.758.312 (-1.796.154) 73.620 (-14.007)


Defender Floziii
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 105.894 (-4.408.599) 44.682 (-717.556) 282.633 (-11.751.320) 154.858 (-2.868.937) 247.015 (-1.156.967) 509.729 (-503.795) 243.014 (-2.721.595) 8 (-1.911) 74 (-39) 618.077 (-157.454) 10.744 371.849 (-229.016) 496.054 (-51.479) 10.822 (-54.778) 616 (-44.595)

The attacking fleet fires 46.359.784 times with a total firepower of 79.218.761.685 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 3.256.884.896 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 3.840.663 times with a total firepower of 260.040.354.807 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 1.258.817.801 damage.

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.606 (-39) 894 (-24)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 973.671 (-26.329) 1.949.310 (-50.690)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.385.569 (-114.431) 4.803.808 (-196.192)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 257.788 (-12.627) 389.009 (-16.386)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 8.870.769 (-1.129.231)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 177.938 (-22.855)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 14.728.224 (-5.971.776) 793.946 (-206.054)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 5.360.412 (-2.194.054) 69.288 (-18.339)


Defender Floziii
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 1 (-4.514.492) 7 (-762.231) 0 (-12.033.953) 10 (-3.023.785) 115 (-1.403.867) 2.673 (-1.010.851) 45 (-2.964.564) 0 (-1.919) 3 (-110) 32.531 (-743.000) 10.744 5.336 (-595.529) 58.302 (-489.231) 8 (-65.592) 0 (-45.211)

The attacking fleet fires 41.448.541 times with a total firepower of at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.990.410.752 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 469.771 times with a total firepower of 239.986.083.413 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 205.754.844 damage.

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.592 (-53) 883 (-35)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 965.075 (-34.925) 1.931.745 (-68.255)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.362.580 (-137.420) 4.758.761 (-241.239)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 255.338 (-15.077) 385.337 (-20.058)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 8.773.641 (-1.226.359)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 176.005 (-24.788)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 14.559.174 (-6.140.826) 784.929 (-215.071)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 5.299.255 (-2.255.211) 68.470 (-19.157)


Defender Floziii
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 0 (-4.514.493) 0 (-762.238) 0 (-12.033.953) 0 (-3.023.795) 0 (-1.403.982) 0 (-1.013.524) 0 (-2.964.609) 0 (-1.919) 0 (-113) 0 (-775.531) 10.744 0 (-600.865) 0 (-547.533) 0 (-65.600) 0 (-45.211)

The attacking fleet fires 40.322.785 times with a total firepower of 63.662.030.785 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.873.116.280 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 365.740 times with a total firepower of 241.388.400.000 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 159.997.719 damage.

Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.581 (-64) 877 (-41)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 956.469 (-43.531) 1.914.384 (-85.616)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 2.341.123 (-158.877) 4.715.852 (-284.148)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 253.058 (-17.357) 381.912 (-23.483)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Cruiser
Total 8.694.313 (-1.305.687)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Cruiser
Total 174.367 (-26.426)
Attacker RAMA LAMA
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 14.427.289 (-6.272.711) 777.976 (-222.024)
Attacker RonBurgundy
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 5.251.678 (-2.302.788) 67.828 (-19.799)


Defender Floziii destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 0 (-4.514.493) 0 (-762.238) 0 (-12.033.953) 0 (-3.023.795) 0 (-1.403.982) 0 (-1.013.524) 0 (-2.964.609) 0 (-1.919) 0 (-113) 0 (-775.531) 0 (-10.744) 0 (-600.865) 0 (-547.533) 0 (-65.600) 0 (-45.211)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.626.559.727 metal, 388.583.267 crystal and 168.449.860 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 131.228.673.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 605.664.761.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 269.108.425.430 metal and 166.431.947.373 crystal.

36.621 Rocket Launcher could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
212.934.792.327 Metal -338.173.657.727
140.384.518.967 Crystal -217.828.727.267
-9.477.306.140 Deuterium -51.772.726.860
343.842.005.154 Total -607.775.111.854
-35.331.299 Honorpoints 10.144.388
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 292.183.932.600 metal and 180.703.152.700 crystal!
show all
Main comment
Hallo Belinda,
eigentlich sind wir keine großen Fans von Kbs öffentlich Stellen, wollten euch dann aber diesen hier nicht vorenthalten.
Flozii reagiert super cool! Vielen Dank dafür und einen guten Wiederaufbau nach deiner Pause.
Man könnte jetzt einen Roman schreiben und etwas von Skill erzählen, aber wozu? Wir hatten einfach etwas Zeit und eine Prise Glück.
Und was nach einem Ca. 30sekunden Server lag passierte seht ihr Oben.

Wrackfeld: 1016179x Leichter Jäger 366143x Leichter Jäger
35967x Schwerer Jäger 3148x Schwerer Jäger
211521x Kreuzer 4201x Kreuzer
25738x Schlachtschiff 2759x Schlachtschiff
46031x Schlachtkreuzer 3733x Schlachtkreuzer

In Summe : 11,4mrd met 5,4mrd Kris 1,1mrd Deut

Win vorhanden
Please log in to leave a comment.
Lalisa II (07.03.2022 16:14):
Schönes Ding, gz zum neuen Biggest!

Blutspender (06.03.2022 12:35):

l3on1da5 (06.03.2022 12:18):
Gratz den Angreifern.
Kopf hoch, weiter machen 😉

NEO (06.03.2022 12:06):
gz und hf mit TF

McExtrAn1pP3L (06.03.2022 11:40):
Ja moin 😛, dickes GZ zum KB...schön wenn Leute fair reagieren, hat man hier im Uni leider schon anders erlebt. Auch in Punkto Flame, sei es vom Kb Hersteller oder in den Comments.
Top Arbeit, baut Euch was feines und nochmals Gz zum new Biggest 🙂
Und @Floziii, genieß die Freizeit und alles gute für den Wiederaufbau


DiGG4 (06.03.2022 11:23):
fettes gratz. Schade um die Flotte

Infinite (06.03.2022 10:48):
dickes teil, gw

Maxime (06.03.2022 10:28):
Gratz an Angreifer und Verteidiger gleichermaßen.

xaayd1 (06.03.2022 10:18):
Gz den atter schöner KB

@Flozi... Mega Typ, egal was war, würde mir wünschen du kommst wieder zurück und baust dich wieder auf ✌

Labatt (06.03.2022 09:43):
Gz, schöner KB.
@Flozi: Kopf lüften und weiter..

TheBeer (06.03.2022 09:40):
Fettes Gratz zum wunderschönen KB 👍💪🍻🍺 baut euch was schönes von

C4mus (06.03.2022 09:28):
Gz zum Kb, schade flozi. Nach vorn schauen

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