Hy Yildun

Battle in universe OGame.de Yildun!

The following fleets met in battle:
[NoAlly] Schmutzi vs. [F4YR] Selenskyj

Attacker Schmutzi
Weapons: 270% Shields: 250% Armour: 270%
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 100.000 1.000.000 1.000.000
Weapons 3.700 7.400 10.360
Shields 1.750 1.750 2.450
Armour 27.750 40.700 51.800
Attacker Schmutzi
Weapons: 270% Shields: 250% Armour: 270%
Type Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber
Total 1.000.000 6.000.000 10.000
Weapons 3.700 2.590 3.700
Shields 700 1.400 1.750
Armour 22.200 25.900 27.750
Attacker Schmutzi
Weapons: 270% Shields: 250% Armour: 270%
Type Cruiser Bomber Pathfinder
Total 4.000.000 10.000 1.000.000
Weapons 1.480 3.700 740
Shields 175 1.750 350
Armour 9.990 27.750 8.510
Attacker Schmutzi
Weapons: 270% Shields: 250% Armour: 270%
Type Heavy Fighter Bomber
Total 9.000.000 10.000
Weapons 555 3.700
Shields 88 1.750
Armour 3.700 27.750
Attacker Schmutzi
Weapons: 270% Shields: 250% Armour: 270%
Type Light Fighter Bomber Small Cargo
Total 40.000.000 20.000 8.000.000
Weapons 185 3.700 19
Shields 35 1.750 35
Armour 1.480 27.750 1.480


Defender Selenskyj
Weapons: 230% Shields: 230% Armour: 230%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 1.000.000 178.939 8.076.707 27.837 1.093.325 200.000 49 533.997 54.412 100 128.246 6.899 493.745 114.059 157.721 2.500
Weapons 17 17 165 495 1.320 3.300 165 3 0 3.300 6.600 660.000 2.310 9.240 660 264
Shields 33 83 33 83 165 660 330 33 0 1.650 1.650 165.000 1.320 2.310 330 66
Armour 1.320 3.960 1.320 3.300 8.910 19.800 9.900 5.280 330 24.750 36.300 2.970.000 23.100 46.200 7.590 660

The attacking fleet fires 79.200.005 times with a total firepower of 68.749.971.563 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.786.336.282 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 13.726.052 times with a total firepower of 274.779.176.165 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 1.333.658.701 damage.

Attacker Schmutzi
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 99.411 (-589) 994.202 (-5.798) 994.350 (-5.650)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber
Total 993.709 (-6.291) 5.962.660 (-37.340) 9.954 (-46)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Cruiser Bomber Pathfinder
Total 3.962.493 (-37.507) 9.956 (-44) 990.209 (-9.791)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Heavy Fighter Bomber
Total 8.758.620 (-241.380) 9.944 (-56)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Light Fighter Bomber Small Cargo
Total 38.107.545 (-1.892.455) 19.886 (-114) 7.620.418 (-379.582)


Defender Selenskyj
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 42.033 (-957.967) 25.760 (-153.179) 336.996 (-7.739.711) 3.391 (-24.446) 384.732 (-708.593) 143.804 (-56.196) 18 (-31) 101.755 (-432.242) 328 (-54.084) 82 (-18) 117.399 (-10.847) 6.899 394.900 (-98.845) 110.668 (-3.391) 50.363 (-107.358) 43 (-2.457)

The attacking fleet fires 72.308.276 times with a total firepower of 65.534.932.898 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.426.016.577 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 2.607.311 times with a total firepower of at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 501.018.943 damage.

Attacker Schmutzi
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 98.836 (-1.164) 988.531 (-11.469) 988.644 (-11.356)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber
Total 987.355 (-12.645) 5.925.533 (-74.467) 9.887 (-113)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Cruiser Bomber Pathfinder
Total 3.925.665 (-74.335) 9.897 (-103) 980.736 (-19.264)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Heavy Fighter Bomber
Total 8.590.865 (-409.135) 9.876 (-124)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Light Fighter Bomber Small Cargo
Total 37.034.395 (-2.965.605) 19.793 (-207) 7.405.339 (-594.661)


Defender Selenskyj
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 0 (-1.000.000) 0 (-178.939) 0 (-8.076.707) 0 (-27.837) 0 (-1.093.325) 1 (-199.999) 0 (-49) 0 (-533.997) 0 (-54.412) 0 (-100) 154 (-128.092) 6.899 33 (-493.712) 916 (-113.143) 0 (-157.721) 0 (-2.500)

The attacking fleet fires 66.991.114 times with a total firepower of 55.546.974.362 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.274.575.434 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 390.060 times with a total firepower of 256.704.857.970 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 97.459.592 damage.

Attacker Schmutzi
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 98.253 (-1.747) 982.812 (-17.188) 982.804 (-17.196)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Battleship Battlecruiser Bomber
Total 981.535 (-18.465) 5.891.233 (-108.767) 9.827 (-173)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Cruiser Bomber Pathfinder
Total 3.902.902 (-97.098) 9.840 (-160) 975.135 (-24.865)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Heavy Fighter Bomber
Total 8.541.042 (-458.958) 9.822 (-178)
Attacker Schmutzi
Type Light Fighter Bomber Small Cargo
Total 36.819.539 (-3.180.461) 19.689 (-311) 7.362.122 (-637.878)


Defender Selenskyj destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher
Total 0 (-1.000.000) 0 (-178.939) 0 (-8.076.707) 0 (-27.837) 0 (-1.093.325) 0 (-200.000) 0 (-49) 0 (-533.997) 0 (-54.412) 0 (-100) 0 (-128.246) 0 (-6.899) 0 (-493.745) 0 (-114.059) 0 (-157.721) 0 (-2.500)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 43.978.615 metal, 860.309 crystal and 771.448.476 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 38.933.758.000 units.
The defender lost a total of units.
At these space coordinates now float 96.587.273.994 metal and 63.578.593.007 crystal.

1.650 Rocket Launcher could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
85.464.992.015 Metal -131.687.308.615 Crystal -87.574.858.309
-1.893.447.524 Deuterium -23.799.895.476
140.721.746.425 Total -
16.574.517 Honorpoints 3.197.426
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 107.848.105.400 metal and 70.991.111.625 crystal!
show all
Main comment
Das war ne lange, aber knappe Kiste.
Selenskyj wurde mit ner 48 entdeckt. Glaubte gar nich an nen Erfolg. Deswegen ließ ich auch das spontan deut verballern. Ich hoffte auf ein einschlafen, was sich auch bestätigte. Rk ging raus, mit ein wenig Hoffnung an Bord. Mond kam auch schnell vom lieben Helfer (Riesendank noch mal für alles). 1 min hats gedauert bis Kb kam und ca. 5min nach Einschlag kam er auch on......das es so knapp werden würde huuwww...
Ein sehr fairer und netter Spieler (Selenskyj) ich hoffe, du machst weiter
Glg an meine Libra und Orion Freunde
und nen mega Gruß an meine Lieben deut Helfer und Buddys
86113x Kleiner Transporter
429362x Leichter Jäger
61959x Schwerer Jäger
65x Bomber
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Yuri Boyka (07.06.2022 18:26):
schöner KB^^

Madam Mim (06.06.2022 22:51):
großes GZ
aus leicht persönlichen Gründen freue ich mich mal wieder das Schmutzi den Richtigen erwischt hat ,damit auch er mal in die Opferrolle steigen darf , nur das auch er leider wie viele Andere sein Verlust erstmal im UM verbringt.
Selenskyj hat mich 2x kurz hitereinander erwischt und das auch nur, weil ich nicht von der Sorte bin, die gleich in UM wandert .

Areswolf (06.06.2022 17:26):
GZ brudi 😁

estrella (06.06.2022 01:34):

scorer (06.06.2022 00:25):
split wegen verschiedener monde?

Wer sich einen insys Mond boostert, fliegt in der Regel auch von diesem Mond.
Ich glaub, da wollten einfach die Bomber überall dabei sein 😉

scorer (06.06.2022 00:25):
ziemlich nicer kb.
mega win

split wegen verschiedener monde?

AMKeegan (05.06.2022 22:45):
dickes gz 🙂

Roger (05.06.2022 14:32):
Woa das ist 1 nicer heftiger kb gzz dazu. Gönn dir was feines

Tyrion (05.06.2022 13:57):
hui 🙂 nice gz

WeebSlayer69 (05.06.2022 13:44):
GZ, fettes Ding.

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