Battle in universe Orion!

On 24.11.2022 21:08 the following fleets met in battle:
[Fleet] Shindy vs. [MJG9] Goba

Attacker Shindy
Weapons: 240% Shields: 240% Armour: 240%
Type Battlecruiser Pathfinder
Total 250.000 160.948
Weapons 2.380 680
Shields 1.360 340
Armour 23.800 7.820


Defender Goba
Weapons: 200% Shields: 200% Armour: 200%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 8.664 131.654 1.727 1.176 180 117 1 5.126 6.102 7 7 1 7 539 2.248 3.000 1.000 100 50 10 1 1
Weapons 15 15 150 450 1.200 3.000 150 3 0 3.000 6.000 600.000 2.100 8.400 600 240 300 750 3.300 450 3 3
Shields 30 75 30 75 150 600 300 30 0 1.500 1.500 150.000 1.200 2.100 300 60 75 300 600 1.500 6.000 30.000
Armour 1.200 3.600 1.200 3.000 8.100 18.000 9.000 4.800 300 22.500 33.000 2.700.000 21.000 42.000 6.900 600 600 2.400 10.500 2.400 6.000 30.000

The attacking fleet fires 819.326 times with a total firepower of 1.664.110.280 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 12.626.700 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 161.775 times with a total firepower of 15.062.154 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 5.971.988 damage.

Attacker Shindy
Type Battlecruiser Pathfinder
Total 249.990 (-10) 160.721 (-227)


Defender Goba
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 73 (-8.591) 3.428 (-128.226) 18 (-1.709) 19 (-1.157) 8 (-172) 44 (-73) 0 (-1) 204 (-4.922) 34 (-6.068) 5 (-2) 4 (-3) 1 3 (-4) 489 (-50) 142 (-2.106) 15 (-2.985) 4 (-996) 2 (-98) 9 (-41) 0 (-10) 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 703.786 times with a total firepower of 1.398.430.880 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 1.665.895 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 4.539 times with a total firepower of 11.755.083 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 711.949 damage.

Attacker Shindy
Type Battlecruiser Pathfinder
Total 249.983 (-17) 160.518 (-430)


Defender Goba
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-8.664) 0 (-131.654) 0 (-1.727) 0 (-1.176) 0 (-180) 0 (-117) 0 (-1) 0 (-5.126) 0 (-6.102) 0 (-7) 0 (-7) 1 0 (-7) 0 (-539) 0 (-2.248) 0 (-3.000) 0 (-1.000) 0 (-100) 0 (-50) 0 (-10) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacking fleet fires 410.501 times with a total firepower of 704.111.780 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 237.120 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 36 times with a total firepower of 21.600.000 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 36.720 damage.

Attacker Shindy
Type Battlecruiser Pathfinder
Total 249.959 (-41) 160.506 (-442)


Defender Goba destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-8.664) 0 (-131.654) 0 (-1.727) 0 (-1.176) 0 (-180) 0 (-117) 0 (-1) 0 (-5.126) 0 (-6.102) 0 (-7) 0 (-7) 0 (-1) 0 (-7) 0 (-539) 0 (-2.248) 0 (-3.000) 0 (-1.000) 0 (-100) 0 (-50) 0 (-10) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 1.918.036.951 metal, 288.881.728 crystal and 851.742.866 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 17.187.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 1.922.700.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 667.918.300 metal and 651.011.200 crystal.

2.850 Rocket Launcher, 910 Light Laser, 95 Heavy Laser, 43 Gauss Cannon, 10 Ion Cannon, 1 Small Shield Dome, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
4.259.442.783 Metal -4.549.442.783
1.184.473.265 Crystal -1.464.174.740
1.592.770.874 Deuterium -1.637.770.874
7.036.686.922 Total -7.651.388.397
-30.460 Honorpoints 3.360

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