Chuck Norris farmt nicht, die Farm kommt zu ihm :>

Battle in universe Lacerta!

On 25.09.2023 11:58 the following fleets met in battle:
Vinyard vs. All_Might

Attacker Vinyard
Weapons: 200% Shields: 190% Armour: 200%
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 250.000 110.000 129.658
Weapons 1.390 3.000 600
Shields 168 580 290
Armour 9.385 18.000 6.900


Defender All_Might
Weapons: 210% Shields: 200% Armour: 210%
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 4.501 8.000 99.999 1.200 1.411.498 116.745 1.487 1
Weapons 15 3 2.680 3 248 310 3.410 465
Shields 75 3 1.491 3 60 75 600 1.500
Armour 3.720 620 26.805 1.240 620 620 10.850 2.480

The attacking fleet fires 1.365.448 times with a total firepower of 1.973.017.070 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 131.608.662 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 1.778.304 times with a total firepower of 1.020.865.664 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 135.315.961 damage.

Attacker Vinyard
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 192.465 (-57.535) 106.315 (-3.685) 86.990 (-42.668)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 3.176 (-1.325) 3.497 (-4.503) 99.996 (-3) 513 (-687) 621.202 (-790.296) 51.474 (-65.271) 1.451 (-36) 1

The attacking fleet fires 881.070 times with a total firepower of 1.327.578.040 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 123.465.363 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 938.762 times with a total firepower of 864.983.721 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 101.774.408 damage.

Attacker Vinyard
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 113.364 (-136.636) 92.496 (-17.504) 49.786 (-79.872)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 1.678 (-2.823) 1.147 (-6.853) 99.852 (-147) 182 (-1.018) 203.841 (-1.207.657) 16.962 (-99.783) 1.318 (-169) 1

The attacking fleet fires 405.305 times with a total firepower of 673.257.170 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 109.981.056 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 504.577 times with a total firepower of 809.255.430 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 70.712.890 damage.

Attacker Vinyard
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 53.141 (-196.859) 68.249 (-41.751) 21.721 (-107.937)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 743 (-3.758) 339 (-7.661) 98.865 (-1.134) 51 (-1.149) 59.773 (-1.351.725) 4.920 (-111.825) 1.054 (-433) 1

The attacking fleet fires 169.086 times with a total firepower of 327.956.640 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 91.030.525 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 383.591 times with a total firepower of 868.738.624 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 50.344.623 damage.

Attacker Vinyard
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 11.524 (-238.476) 28.932 (-81.068) 4.018 (-125.640)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 347 (-4.154) 133 (-7.867) 96.432 (-3.567) 13 (-1.187) 21.893 (-1.389.605) 1.829 (-114.916) 769 (-718) 1

The attacking fleet fires 46.771 times with a total firepower of 108.472.760 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 43.874.612 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 412.227 times with a total firepower of 1.046.433.412 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 19.880.231 damage.

Attacker Vinyard
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 6 (-249.994) 133 (-109.867) 2 (-129.656)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 254 (-4.247) 88 (-7.912) 95.035 (-4.964) 6 (-1.194) 14.997 (-1.396.501) 1.246 (-115.499) 644 (-843) 1

The attacking fleet fires 141 times with a total firepower of 408.540 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 179.793 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 113.138 times with a total firepower of 263.323.473 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 79.722 damage.

Attacker Vinyard destroyed
Type Cruiser Battleship Pathfinder
Total 0 (-250.000) 0 (-110.000) 0 (-129.658)


Defender All_Might
Type Large Cargo Solar Satellite Battlecruiser Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon
Total 254 (-4.247) 88 (-7.912) 95.028 (-4.971) 6 (-1.194) 14.980 (-1.396.518) 1.244 (-115.501) 644 (-843) 1

The defender won the battle!

The attacker lost a total of 17.869.398.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 3.554.478.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 8.931.411.200 metal and 4.469.923.200 crystal.

963.597 Rocket Launcher, 91.246 Light Laser, 556 Gauss Cannon could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
-10.987.264.000 Metal 7.846.446.700
-5.344.870.000 Crystal 4.210.956.700
-1.537.264.000 Deuterium -80.289.000
-17.869.398.000 Total 11.977.114.400
164.656 Honorpoints 1.686.160
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
none available
Please log in to leave a comment.
Pretender (03.10.2023 21:19):
Hahahahaha mKn du Lappen. Du bist echt zu allem zu doof. Noob bleibt Noob. Gratz zum Abfang. Arroganz bestraft, herrlich. Musst demnächst ganz paar Multis umfliegen wa?😉

dice (26.09.2023 13:35):
Satzzeichen sind keine Rudeltiere !!!!!!!

SaneYn (26.09.2023 11:49):
Lol, wie sich hier jeder wegen seiner Rechtschreibung und Satzzeichensetzung disst, wobei so gut wie jeder hier da Mängel hat. XD Einfach witzig.

issiWahn (26.09.2023 01:18):
wenn ich das lese .in meinen Schönen Augen seid ihr alle nur Fahrstuhl Trainer 🎏

xaayd1 (25.09.2023 20:42):
ein ex freund würde sagen.... das gibt es ni 😑

Bauste wieder uff

Meribiki (25.09.2023 20:39):
Glaub Dice ist nur ein bisschen betrunken^^

Vii (25.09.2023 19:56):
Komma- und Punktsetzung scheint nicht deine Stärke...
Große Fresse im Umod ist halt immer leicht. Das Deuten von Texten scheint auch nicht so deine Stärke...
Lassen wir's. Genieß mal dein Umod. Ist besser so.

dice (25.09.2023 19:32):
gedankenstrich als Satzzeichenersatz regelt schon , da mache ich mir wenig gedanken 😂😂😂

ich wusste gar nicht das man nicht im u mid sein durfte , verzeihe

Vii (25.09.2023 16:52):
Mach mal - wer nix fliegt und im Umod rumgammelt, kann natürlich nix falsch machen.
Vlt. klappts privat auch mit der Zeichensetzung besser. ^^

dice (25.09.2023 16:03):
why so mad?
Ich kann dir gerne privat erörtern ,wieso ich so denke 😄

Vii (25.09.2023 15:50):
noob comment . stark!

dice (25.09.2023 15:00):
noob down . stark!

Sturzi (25.09.2023 12:35):
Hm, mutig ist es ja schon den größten Casher des Universums anzugreifen.

Aber hätte auch funktionieren können 😀

Vii (25.09.2023 12:19):
GZ zum Klicken der SXer. Stark gemacht. ^^

LuDi (25.09.2023 12:18):
GZ ^^
Chuck Norris zielt nicht, er trifft

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