
Battle in universe OGame.de Ozone!

The following fleets met in battle:
[KNECHTE] Sir Knechtolot, [KNECHTE] Koenig Knechtus vs. [CodeX] Sumba

Attacker Sir Knechtolot
Weapons: 250% Shields: 250% Armour: 250%
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 1.000.000 1.000.000
Weapons 7.026 9.800
Shields 1.756 2.450
Armour 38.646 49.000
Attacker Koenig Knechtus
Weapons: 290% Shields: 270% Armour: 270%
Type Espionage Probe
Total 1
Weapons 0
Shields 0
Armour 370


Defender Sumba
Weapons: 230% Shields: 230% Armour: 230%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Solar Satellite Deathstar Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 26.296 1.145.294 24.847 10.956 3.779 1.587 20 40.392 70.823 146.621 330 1.112 600.000 1.200.000 240.000 24.000 5.000 12.000 1 1
Weapons 16 16 165 495 1.320 3.300 165 3 0 3 660.000 3 264 331 827 3.641 496 9.930 3 3
Shields 33 82 33 82 165 660 330 33 0 3 165.000 3 66 82 331 662 1.655 993 6.620 33.102
Armour 1.320 3.960 1.320 3.300 8.910 19.800 9.900 5.280 330 660 2.970.000 1.320 662 662 2.648 11.585 2.648 33.102 6.620 33.102


Attacker Sir Knechtolot
Type Destroyer Reaper
Total 995.404 (-4.596) 995.425 (-4.575)
Attacker Koenig Knechtus destroyed
Type Espionage Probe
Total 0 (-1)


Defender Sumba destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Solar Satellite Deathstar Crawler Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Ion Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-26.296) 0 (-1.145.294) 0 (-24.847) 0 (-10.956) 0 (-3.779) 0 (-1.587) 0 (-20) 0 (-40.392) 0 (-70.823) 0 (-146.621) 0 (-330) 0 (-1.112) 0 (-600.000) 0 (-1.200.000) 0 (-240.000) 0 (-24.000) 0 (-5.000) 0 (-12.000) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 2.001.393.970 metal, crystal and 2.537.757.775 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 1.306.501.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 26.741.382.500 units.
At these space coordinates now float 5.026.892.403 metal and 4.784.543.888 crystal.

522.000 Rocket Launcher, 1.092.000 Light Laser, 223.200 Heavy Laser, 20.880 Gauss Cannon, 4.400 Ion Cannon, 9.960 Plasma Turret, 1 Small Shield Dome, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
8.101.857.598 Metal -11.853.765.970
10.125.620.496 Crystal -13.380.397.261
2.377.317.775 Deuterium -
20.604.795.869 Total -28.332.325.506
-497.688 Honorpoints 160.139
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 6.765.098.628 metal and 6.438.975.235 crystal!
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Main comment
+445 Mio Deut
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[Paranoia] Ente66 the Paranoid (17.11.2023 12:28):
Eindeutig push
Kein skill
Knechte style

Schnapsbecher (15.11.2023 13:27):

pask (14.11.2023 23:10):
Gz Männers 🙂

TODESENGEL (14.11.2023 20:17):
Mond? Crawler auf Mond? LOL

Hanni2oO2 (14.11.2023 19:20):
Monde brauchen Energie für LF

gz 🙂 und danke das ich dafür meine Rk verlegt habe !

dsapart2 (14.11.2023 17:07):

EinsDreiDreiSieben (14.11.2023 16:38):
warum genau hatte ihm 146k Sats?

Br4in_u77 (14.11.2023 13:43):
Kann man mal machen.... Gz

Xari (14.11.2023 13:41):

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