Wir sagen Dankeschön - 40 Jahre die FIlPpErs

Battle in universe OGame.de Yin!

The following fleets met in battle:
[mommy] Jacen, [mommy] wiTcHeRiN vs. [Amex] WildesPinkesPony

Attacker Jacen
Weapons: 250% Shields: 240% Armour: 240%
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 18.830 102.713 1.315.394
Weapons 3.500 7.182 9.800
Shields 1.700 1.745 2.380
Armour 25.500 38.403 47.600
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Weapons: 240% Shields: 240% Armour: 250%
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 43.394 1.043.799 108.978
Weapons 3.400 7.610 9.520
Shields 1.700 1.902 2.380
Armour 26.250 42.955 49.000
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Weapons: 240% Shields: 240% Armour: 250%
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 365.423 3.025.076
Weapons 3.400 2.956
Shields 680 1.689
Armour 21.000 30.266
Attacker Jacen
Weapons: 250% Shields: 240% Armour: 240%
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 34.818 979.437
Weapons 3.500 2.580
Shields 680 1.434
Armour 20.400 25.100
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Weapons: 240% Shields: 240% Armour: 250%
Type Cruiser Pathfinder
Total 2.523.900 164.885
Weapons 1.577 680
Shields 197 340
Armour 10.920 8.050
Attacker Jacen
Weapons: 250% Shields: 240% Armour: 240%
Type Cruiser
Total 1.256.086
Weapons 1.543
Shields 187
Armour 10.151
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Weapons: 240% Shields: 240% Armour: 250%
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 20.227.126 1.076.549
Weapons 171 510
Shields 34 85
Armour 1.411 3.500
Attacker Jacen
Weapons: 250% Shields: 240% Armour: 240%
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 9.192.755 82.626
Weapons 175 525
Shields 34 85
Armour 1.360 3.400


Defender WildesPinkesPony
Weapons: 220% Shields: 220% Armour: 220%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 42.787 761.716 6.167 2.949 1.070 213 18.226 15.281 251 270.415 71.502 74.806 251 1.179
Weapons 16 24 160 480 1.280 3.200 3 0 3.200 7.150 640.000 2.240 8.960 640
Shields 32 120 32 80 160 640 32 0 1.600 1.787 160.000 1.280 2.240 320
Armour 1.280 5.769 1.280 3.200 8.640 19.200 5.120 320 24.000 39.327 2.880.000 22.400 44.800 7.360


Attacker Jacen
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 13.839 (-4.991) 75.254 (-27.459) 962.962 (-352.432)
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Type Bomber Destroyer Reaper
Total 31.789 (-11.605) 764.929 (-278.870) 79.928 (-29.050)
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 267.289 (-98.134) 2.216.753 (-808.323)
Attacker Jacen
Type Battleship Battlecruiser
Total 25.453 (-9.365) 717.865 (-261.572)
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Type Cruiser Pathfinder
Total 1.840.420 (-683.480) 120.049 (-44.836)
Attacker Jacen
Type Cruiser
Total 916.758 (-339.328)
Attacker wiTcHeRiN
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 14.692.610 (-5.534.516) 782.728 (-293.821)
Attacker Jacen
Type Light Fighter Heavy Fighter
Total 6.675.738 (-2.517.017) 60.125 (-22.501)


Defender WildesPinkesPony destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Destroyer Deathstar Battlecruiser Reaper Pathfinder
Total 0 (-42.787) 0 (-761.716) 0 (-6.167) 0 (-2.949) 0 (-1.070) 0 (-213) 0 (-18.226) 0 (-15.281) 0 (-251) 0 (-270.415) 0 (-71.502) 0 (-74.806) 0 (-251) 0 (-1.179)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 13.782.665.582 metal, 4.866.004.011 crystal and 2.141.454.207 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 264.633.600.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 765.032.741.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 351.257.000.862 metal, 275.935.123.264 crystal and 73.237.959.578 deuterium.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
273.586.320.931 Metal -428.495.791.231
192.162.972.762 Crystal -313.854.331.362
47.292.688.788 Deuterium -79.591.699.189
513.041.982.481 Total -821.941.821.782
49.017.111 Honorpoints 19.071.308
Harvest reports
Harvested a total of 361.455.430.700 metal, 283.946.713.400 crystal and 75.364.357.599 deuterium!
show all
Main comment
1.246.985 lj
48.531 sj
158.525 xer
16.503 ss
165.262 sk
47.032 zerr
2.568 bom
60.480 reaper
6.859 pathfinder
umgerechnet: 21mrd Met; 15mrd Kris, 5mrd Deut

wiTcHeRiN: Spezielles Dank geht an unsere Freunde von STAV, für welche die Ally AMEX unantastbar ist - so bleibt mehr für uns! DANKE
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Lars Neistroem (16.05.2024 16:01):
Gratz 🌈 Fettes Ding

dsapart2 (16.05.2024 15:47):

SONY (16.05.2024 11:59):
Gz zum neuen Biggest. Grüße SONY

Xari (16.05.2024 09:44):
traurig wegen den RiPs - gz

Mambow (16.05.2024 09:04):
Da hats ja ordentlich gescheppert 🙂 Dickes GZ!

TheGreatSemmel (16.05.2024 07:49):
Gz, das ist mal nen KB 🙂

NEO (16.05.2024 07:35):
gz dickes Ding

Inphyy (16.05.2024 06:58):
Gratz euch:-)
Was ein netter kleiner Snack in der Nacht;-)

Kael Pershaw (16.05.2024 05:10):
Haha witcher
Immer gerne doch für den Support. Wo wir nicht dran gehen, rutscht ihr eben drüber.

Was für ein starker KB!

user0815 (16.05.2024 04:28):
...und danke für mitnehmen Jacen 😘 who's nexxt?
grüße an alle mommys 😘

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