Lecker 🙂

Battle in universe OGame.de Merkur!

On 04.11.2016 16:33 the following fleets met in battle:
[A-Team] Legio vs. [STNRCRW] Mob

Attacker Legio
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Type Large Cargo
Total 111
Weapons 11
Shields 55
Armour 2.640
Attacker Legio
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Type Battlecruiser
Total 1.080
Weapons 1.540
Shields 880
Armour 15.400
Attacker Legio
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Type Cruiser
Total 1.548
Weapons 880
Shields 110
Armour 5.940
Attacker Legio
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 120%
Type Light Fighter
Total 13.140
Weapons 110
Shields 22
Armour 880


Defender Mob
Weapons: 120% Shields: 120% Armour: 130%
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 220 219 1.491 57 461 217 1 110 440 52 188 1 63 3.000 250 50 180 60 1 1
Weapons 11 11 110 330 880 2.200 110 2 0 2.200 2 4.400 1.540 176 220 550 2.420 6.600 2 2
Shields 22 55 22 55 110 440 220 22 0 1.100 2 1.100 880 44 55 220 440 660 4.400 22.000
Armour 920 2.760 920 2.300 6.210 13.800 6.900 3.680 230 17.250 460 25.300 16.100 460 460 1.840 8.050 23.000 4.600 23.000

The attacking fleet fires 19.795 times with a total firepower of 7.271.440 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 483.820 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 8.174 times with a total firepower of 3.711.219 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 330.811 damage.

Attacker Legio
Type Large Cargo
Total 107 (-4)
Attacker Legio
Type Battlecruiser
Total 1.078 (-2)
Attacker Legio
Type Cruiser
Total 1.523 (-25)
Attacker Legio
Type Light Fighter
Total 11.309 (-1.831)


Defender Mob
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 84 (-136) 147 (-72) 566 (-925) 37 (-20) 417 (-44) 215 (-2) 1 84 (-26) 55 (-385) 52 60 (-128) 1 63 845 (-2.155) 75 (-175) 28 (-22) 176 (-4) 60 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 15.974 times with a total firepower of 5.894.801 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 421.319 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 3.925 times with a total firepower of 2.980.533 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 235.721 damage.

Attacker Legio
Type Large Cargo
Total 101 (-10)
Attacker Legio
Type Battlecruiser
Total 1.077 (-3)
Attacker Legio
Type Cruiser
Total 1.488 (-60)
Attacker Legio
Type Light Fighter
Total 9.730 (-3.410)


Defender Mob
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 6 (-214) 30 (-189) 39 (-1.452) 6 (-51) 176 (-285) 194 (-23) 0 (-1) 16 (-94) 0 (-440) 52 3 (-185) 1 61 (-2) 27 (-2.973) 4 (-246) 9 (-41) 128 (-52) 59 (-1) 1 1

The attacking fleet fires 13.310 times with a total firepower of 5.312.252 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 326.228 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 1.118 times with a total firepower of 1.786.090 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 101.549 damage.

Attacker Legio
Type Large Cargo
Total 96 (-15)
Attacker Legio
Type Battlecruiser
Total 1.076 (-4)
Attacker Legio
Type Cruiser
Total 1.466 (-82)
Attacker Legio
Type Light Fighter
Total 8.976 (-4.164)


Defender Mob
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-220) 0 (-219) 0 (-1.491) 0 (-57) 1 (-460) 17 (-200) 0 (-1) 0 (-110) 0 (-440) 22 (-30) 0 (-188) 1 13 (-50) 0 (-3.000) 0 (-250) 0 (-50) 2 (-178) 30 (-30) 0 (-1) 1

The attacking fleet fires 11.821 times with a total firepower of 4.254.316 at the defender. The defending shields absorb 87.695 damage.
In total, the defending fleet fires 87 times with a total firepower of 313.942 at the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 10.247 damage.

Attacker Legio
Type Large Cargo
Total 96 (-15)
Attacker Legio
Type Battlecruiser
Total 1.076 (-4)
Attacker Legio
Type Cruiser
Total 1.462 (-86)
Attacker Legio
Type Light Fighter
Total 8.906 (-4.234)


Defender Mob destroyed
Type Small Cargo Large Cargo Light Fighter Heavy Fighter Cruiser Battleship Colony Ship Recycler Espionage Probe Bomber Solar Satellite Destroyer Battlecruiser Rocket Launcher Light Laser Heavy Laser Gauss Cannon Plasma Turret Small Shield Dome Large Shield Dome
Total 0 (-220) 0 (-219) 0 (-1.491) 0 (-57) 0 (-461) 0 (-217) 0 (-1) 0 (-110) 0 (-440) 0 (-52) 0 (-188) 0 (-1) 0 (-63) 0 (-3.000) 0 (-250) 0 (-50) 0 (-180) 0 (-60) 0 (-1) 0 (-1)

The attacker won the battle! He captured 761.976 metal, 168.782 crystal and 1.672.014 deuterium.

The attacker lost a total of 19.950.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 71.001.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 32.092.200 metal and 14.284.900 crystal.

2.310 Rocket Launcher, 178 Light Laser, 39 Heavy Laser, 133 Gauss Cannon, 38 Plasma Turret could be repaired.

Total result (incl. follow ups and harvest reports)
Attacker Defender
14.084.376 Metal -35.629.976
9.368.382 Crystal -17.412.782
1.440.014 Deuterium -5.412.014
24.892.772 Total -58.454.772
8.403 Honorpoints 3.684
Follow ups
none available
Harvest reports
27.954.400 metal and 14.285.600 crystal harvested.
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